RESTORING NUTRIENTS

 We require food to provide us with the 3 key macronutrients1) CarbohydratesSugar and starch, are predominantly used for our immediate energy needs. {Although both proteins and fats can also be converted into ATP for intra-cellular energy, carbohydrates are the primary source for our intracellular energy production and for immediate use from storage as glycogen.} Carbohydrates also provide the structural backbone for manufacturing our DNA and for messenger RNA.  Prebiotics, in the form of indigestible cellulose, help to feed our gut microbiome, and to provide fiber for the effective elimination of toxins by defecation. 2) Fats provide us with a concentrated, energy dense, storage form of energy. We especially need 2 essential fatty acids (FAs)—alpha-linoleic acid, an omega-3 FA, and linolenic acid, an omega-6 FA. These are found in grains, vegetable or nut oils. Fats also provide the building blocks for our various membrane structures and hormones, and for producing the body’s protective padding and insulation. Also, body fat help to store toxins until they can be metabolized and excreted. And, 3) Proteins. Our intracellular ribosomes manufacture chains of amino acids, which are coded in our DNA and transcribed by our RNA. These amino acid chains then fold into unique 3-dimensional structures, which help to determine their function. The enormous variety of proteins provide us with all the building blocks for the structures of our cells, tissues and organs, enzymatic catalysts, molecular transportation, and metabolic functions. Humans require 21 amino acid building blocks. The 9 essential amino acids are: phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, and histadine. There are 6 conditional amino acids, (which means that their synthesis can be limited by pathophysiological conditions, such as infant prematurity and catabolic distress): arginine, cysteine, glycine, glutamine, proline, and tyrosine. And, there are 6 non-essential amino acids, (which means that they can be synthesized in sufficient quantities): alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine, and selenocysteine. Generally, since any single food doesn’t provide the complete range of amino acids in sufficient quantities for all of our metabolic needs, consuming proper food combinations are required to meet our needs. An absence of one or more essential amino acids over a period of weeks to months can lead to malnourishment symptoms of apathy, diarrhea, inactivity, failure to grow, flaky skin, fatty liver, and edema of the belly and legs.

We also require: 4) Minerals.  Macro-minerals are incorporated into and utilized by protein structures for essential life functions. They also act as electrolytes to maintain acid-base balance for enzymatic functions, and for inter- and intra-cellular ion transport. They include: calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. The micro-minerals or trace minerals are: zinc, copper, sulfur, iron, chlorine, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, iodine and selenium. 5) Vitamins. There are 13 vitamins which are essential organic molecules needed in small quantities for metabolic functions that can’t  be synthesized by an organism, and, therefore, must be obtained from the diet. Until 1935, vitamins weren’t extracted nor synthesized, and were only available through the diet. The fat-soluble vitamins: A (retinols and carotenoids), D (calciferols), E (4-tocopherols and 4-tocotrienols) and K (quinones), need to be digested, absorbed, and transported in conjunction with fats. The water-soluble vitamins: the B-complex: {B1(thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid or folate), B12 (cobalamins)}, and vitamin C (ascorbic acid) are dissolved and transported in water.  For example, the B-vitamins act as enzyme co-factors; vitamins C and E act as anti-oxidants, and vitamin D acts like a hormone regulator for our bones and immune system. 6) Phytonutrients, which predominantly provide us with anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are crucial to manage the free radical by-products from mitochondrial production of ATP for intra-cellular energy. And, 7) Probiotics in order to maintain a healthy microbiome.

Our cells require vitamins and minerals to optimize enzyme functions for metabolism. Also, metabolism results in the production of damaging free radicals which require anti-oxidants to neutralize them. Nutrient deficiencies cause DNA damage. The good news is that correcting deficiencies causes DNA repair. {Collins AR, et. al., 2012 Apr; “Effects of Micronutrients on DNA repair,” Eur J Nutrition; 51(3):261-79.}


  1. A) Food Growing and Soil Problems:
    • The leaching of nutrients from our soil and our food preparation and storage practices have produced a problem of nutrient depletion in our food supply. Between 1950 and 1999, there has been an overall 50% reduction of all crop nutrients, varying between 30% to 80%. Also, there has been a 30% over all reduction in nutrient energy.  {USDA Study; Donald R. Davis, et. al.,}
    • Fertilizers: Most plant crops are produced with the aid of fertilized soils. High use of nitrogen fertilizers tends to reduce the vitamin C content in many fruit and vegetable crops. It does not seem to make any difference to the plant’s nutrient value whether the fertilizer is organic or not.
  1. B) Food Preparation Practices:
  • Milling: Cereals, such as wheat, can be ground to remove the fibrous husks. The husks contain most of the plant’s dietary fiber, B-group vitamins, phytochemicals and some minerals. That is why products such as white bread are less nutritious than wholemeal varieties, even if they have been artificially fortified with some of the nutrients that were lost after milling. It is impossible to add back everything that is taken out, especially the phytochemicals. The ‘fiber’ that is added back to some products is often in the form of resistant starch, which may not be as beneficial as the fiber removed.
  • Preparation of vegetables: Most vegetables are peeled or trimmed before cooking to remove the tough skin or outer leaves. But most nutrients, such as vitamins, tend to lie close to the skin surface, so excessive trimming can mean a huge reduction in a vegetable’s nutrient value.
  1. C) Storage Problems:  For the most part, the body can still use calories, amino acids, fats, and minerals that have been chemically changed during storage. Vitamins are the only nutrient group that can break down to an unusable state. Some vitamins are more stable (less affected by processing) than others. Water-soluble vitamins (B-complex and C) are more unstable than fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) during food processing and storage.  Processes that expose foods to high levels of heat, light or oxygen cause the greatest nutrient loss.
  • Blanching: Before a food is canned or frozen, it is usually heated very quickly with steam or water. The water-soluble vitamins, including vitamin C and B-complex, are sensitive and easily destroyed by blanching.
  • Canning: Food is heated inside the can to kill any dangerous micro-organisms and extend the food’s shelf life. Some types of micro-organisms require severe heat treatment, and this may affect the taste and texture of the food, making it less appealing. Preservatives are generally not needed or used in canned foods.  Water-soluble vitamins are particularly sensitive to high temperatures. Many people believe that canned foods are not as nutritious as their fresh counterparts, but this is not always the case, as fresh food often deteriorates more rapidly than canned foods.
  • Freezing:  The nutrient value of a food is retained when it is frozen. Any nutrient losses are due to the processing prior to freezing and the cooking once the frozen food is thawed.
  • Pasteurization:  Pasteurization involves heating liquid foods such as milk and fruit juices to specific temperatures to destroy micro-organisms. The nutrient value of milk is generally unaffected. In the case of pasteurized fruit juices, some losses of vitamin C can occur.
  • Dehydrating: Drying out foods such as fruits can reduce the amount of vitamin C they retain, but it can also concentrate other nutrients, particularly fiber in plant foods. Dehydrating food also makes food products more energy dense, which may contribute to weight gain. If a dehydrated food is reconstituted and cooked with water, further nutrients are leached out of the food and lost in the cooking water.
  • High pressure processing: This alternative preservation method subjects a food to elevated pressures, with or without the use of heat to kill micro-organisms. This method has been used in foods such as fruit juices. As heat is not required, this process impacts less on the vitamin content, flavor and color of foods.

NOTE: Organically grown foods can have 10% to 370% more nutrients and 30% more antioxidants, and much more flavor. Thus, eat local, wild harvested, organic foods which avoid pesticides and GMOs. And, focus upon whole-food plant-based nutrition.

          Benefits of cooking food: destroying bacteria or other harmful micro-organisms, making the food tastier, breaking down parts of vegetables that would otherwise be indigestible, and making phytochemicals more available, for example, phytochemicals are more available in cooked tomatoes than in raw tomatoes.

Vitamin deficiencies are associated with disease processes and with the overall condition of our health. Vitamin, mineral and anti-oxidant deficiencies have been shown to suppress immune functions, and contribute to chronic and degenerative processes such as arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer’s dementia, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Every hormone needs vitamins and minerals for production, and to activate receptors. For example, 1) thyroid hormone needs zinc, selenium and iodine, vitamins A, B2, B6, and B12 to be active. Also, optimum thyroid function is dependent on a 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 level >55 ng/ml to be maximally effective. 2) Insulin needs chromium, vanadium, magnesium and vitamin B3 (niacin) to be active. 3) Estrogen needs B-vitamins, iodine, boron, zinc and cobalt to be active. And, vitamin B6 is needed to clean estrogen from its receptors. 4) Progesterone needs chromium, and 5) Testosterone needs boron and zinc.

NOTE: Stress rapidly depletes the B-vitamins. Also, commonly prescribed medications deplete nutrients. For example, 1) SSRIs, taken for anxiety and depression, deplete iodine, selenium, folate {and our hormone melatonin}. 2) Statins, used to manage hyperlipidemia, and Beta-Blockers, used for hypertension and cardiac problems, deplete CoQ10. 3) Birth control pills deplete the B-vitamins, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and CoQ10.

Phytonutrients and antioxidants, found in our rainbow-colored fruits, vegetables and berries, help to protect our internal chemistry by neutralizing oxidative-stress caused by increased free-radicals. Oxidative-stress is associated with every chronic disease, and results in aging and death. Enhanced consumption of whole-food plant-based nutrition results in decreased all-cause mortality.

The best way to correct deficiencies is with food based sources enhanced by the  addition of supplements. However, be aware that you can’t substitute using supplements for a lousy diet or drinking too much alcohol or not having enough exercise!

We can improve our food-based nutrition by eating more vegetables, fruits, and berries (suggested 50% of intake); eating organic produce (which reportedly increases nutrients by 30-40%); optimizing “good fats” (for example, nuts, wild salmon, avocados, coconut oil and olive oil); eating fresh and flash-frozen vegetables, fruits and berries, therefore, avoiding preservatives; and, avoiding processed foods (in boxes and cans), simple sugars, and “bad fats” (for example, fried foods in hydrogenated oils).

Unfortunately, because of our depleted soil and storage practices, we can’t get enough of our necessary nutrients, especially vitamins, through eating our food alone. Thus, I indorse the recommendation to take nutritional supplements. Taking formulated multivitamins and minerals plus eating “super foods” such as green food supplements, bee pollen, spirulina and chlorella, berries, acai, mangosteen, gogi, noni, and many other products, can help to fill our nutrient gaps. For example, a good source for magnesium is raw cacoa. A good source for zinc is raw sunflower seeds. A good source for selenium is Brazil nuts. The best strategy is to consume a wide range of healthy sources instead of over-indulging in a single source, such as soy.

***I have personally used 3 proprietary complementary products from a company called:  “JUICE PLUS+” for many years. The Juice Plus products are concentrated foods, and are not classified as dietary supplements. They contain powdered bioavailable micronutrients. Capsules of dried whole fruits, vegetables, and berries (minus the water and sugars) are called: “Fruit Blend”, “Vegetable Blend”, and “Berry Blend”. I take 2 capsules of each product daily.  I like the medical literature which supports using these products:  studies demonstrate decreased free radicals resulting in decreased DNA damage; decreased chronic inflammation; increased exercise capacity with decreased oxidative stress; increased immune system T-cell, B-cell, natural killer cell activity and increased immunoglobulins; decreased toxic amino acids such as homocysteine; and, assistance with weight management with improved insulin resistance. It makes good sense to me to use whole vegetable products with all their vitamins and micronutrients in a natural balance. Also, especially for people who have difficulty ingesting a large amount of produce daily because of a touchy-gut, this is an easy way to achieve the recommended daily requirements.  {If you are interested in obtaining Juice Plus+ capsules, please contact Rebecca Gerard at:}***

          Here’s what to look for in a good multivitamin-mineral (MV/MN) complex: no preservatives, vegetarian capsules, and no dye colors nor chemicals. Look for a complex that includes active B-vitamins– (for example in the 5’ phosphate forms); hormone activating doses of zinc– (for example 50 mg of zinc picolinate or zinc gylcinate); 400 mcg of selenium methionine– (NOT oxide), or chelated selenium glycinate; iodine–12.5 mg; cobalt– (to clear Estrone); and, the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. While there are many good MV/MN complexes, a good source is: called “Two-Per-Day” from Another good source is: “DAILYMetrix multivitamin” from It is a liquid compound which also contains humic and fulvic acids, which are free radical scavengers. The recommended dose is ½ ounce twice per day along with a glass of water.


When doing Lab evaluations for nutrients, I want to evaluate:  a CBC, ferritin level, magnesium level, 25-hydroxy vitamin D level, plus vitamin B12 and folate levels.

Oral supplements should generally be taken in divided doses, twice per day for the first three months, and then once daily. (If taken only once daily, then only about 30% gets absorbed.) With divided doses, the body gets a steady flow of the necessary nutrients.

          VITAMIN D3 is critical for cancer protection and for boosting the immune system, bone formation, cardiovascular functions, brain health, wound healing, and thyroid function. D3 is the active form of vitamin D in the body as well as the form that maintains higher storage levels. The fraction to measure in the blood is 25-hydroxy Vitamin D3. A critical low value is <30. Optimal level is >60 but <100. Sun exposure for about 15 minutes to un-tanned skin areas will produce about 10,000 IU vitamin D. If you are deficient, supplement with vitamin D3– 5000 to 10,000 IU per day for 3 months then recheck your levels. (NOTE: almost everyone is deficient during the Winter and Spring in our area of the country.) Maintenance vitamin D3 is typically 2000 IU per day. Adequate vitamin D3 is helpful for pain management, and for managing seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other psychiatric conditions. Since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, it is preferable to take it with a fatty meal, such as at dinner time, for the best absorption.

Many people are functionally VITAMIN B12 deficient.  Vitamin B12 is critical for hormone functioning, brain metabolism, and in the energy cycle for every cell. Most people over age 40 are vitamin B12 deficient. With aging, vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed due to a lack of both hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is needed to release vitamin B12 from foods, such as red meat, fish and dairy products. “Intrinsic factor” is needed to absorb it. Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Histamine type 2 Blockers, for acid reflux and for gastritis, can also create a vitamin B12 deficiency.  An imbalance in the gut flora can also inhibit absorption. The medication Metformin, which is commonly used to manage type 2 diabetes, interferes with the absorption of vitamin B12. {A combination of these medications can make the depletion even more likely.} Because vitamin B12 is water soluble and eliminated if not utilized, it must be consumed on a daily basis. On a complete blood count (CBC) a mean corpuscular volume  (MCV)  >90 suggests a functional vitamin B12 and/or folate deficiency. NOTE: A serum vitamin B12 level can be in the normal range or high even while intracellular levels and especially central nervous system levels are low!!

          Methylcobalamin is the most biologically active form of vitamin B12 that can cross the blood brain barrier without biotransformation in order to nourish the brain. Additionally, its methyl group stimulates the neurotransmitter serotonin’s creation to enhance moods, and it also protects against toxins damaging the brain. For example,  Methylcobalamin protects against glutamate-induced “excitotoxic” neurologic damage. Acute low vitamin B12 levels can manifest as mood changes: lack of motivation and feelings of apathy, mental fogginess, memory impairment, muscle weakness, and fatigue. Chronic low vitamin B12 levels can cause nerve damage, dementia and psychiatric problems that can mimic mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, severe depression, paranoia and schizophrenia. Only about 12% of a dose of the cheaper, manufactured form of vitamin B12, called cyanocobalamin,  is converted to the active form, and, the liver must detoxify the cyanide molecule binding it. I typically restrict using cyanocobalamin to monthly injections in order to avoid accumulation of the cyanide moiety.  I prefer to order methylcobalamin for intramuscular injections. A case can be made for monthly (up to weekly) injections of methylcobalamin. for anyone over 70 years old. However, I prefer using daily under the tongue (sublingual) vitamin B12 lozenges, sprays or drops.

Additionally, you need to take oral FOLATE, 1 mg daily, NOT the oxidized synthetic form of folate known as “folic acid”. Or, methylcobalamin injections can be compounded with 400 mcg Folate, but this makes it much more expensive. The Folate may be found as a part of a multivitamin/mineral complex.  NOTE: sunlight will destroy the natural forms of Folate: methylfolate, and folinic acid. Good food sources of Folate include: spinach and other deep green leafy vegetables, brewer’s yeast, beans (especially lima beans), cantaloupe, watermelon, wheat germ, and liver (from organically raised animals). Folate deficiency is a risk factor for skin cancers, colon, breast and other cancers.

Researchers have found that VITAMIN C promotes a longer lifespan and can help prevent many of the disorders related to aging, including osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, and cancers. People with higher blood levels of vitamin C were at significantly at a lower risk for heart disease and cancer deaths—and were up to 25% less likely to die from all causes. Vitamin C can reduce inflammatory responses, protect DNA integrity, and reduce biomarkers of cellular stress. Vitamin C can reduce cellular oxidative stress and inhibit inflammatory responses that promote tumor growth. Vitamin C can also reduce damage to human cells caused by exposure to radiation. Vitamin C can generate hydrogen peroxide, which destroys rapidly-replicating cancer cells.

          VITAMIN C and cardiovascular disease: Endothelial collagen binding requires Vitamin C. A Vitamin C deficiency causes less collagen binding which sets up a cascade of reactions damaging to the endothelium, ending in the deposition of calcium within the endothelium, and the plaques (scars) which form. Vitamin C can help to prevent and to reverse this calcification process. It can also help to relax angio-spasms. Vitamin C helps to reduce inflammation and helps to promote wound healing. Also, Vitamin C competes with glucose for intracellular transport. {Note: it can disturb accurate lab glucose measurements, making it appear that glucose is higher than it really is. And, this may also be how Vitamin C helps to manage cancers.}

Daily supplementation with ample amounts of vitamin C can optimize protection of the heart and major arteries:  a) Lipid peroxidation, free radical damage to fats, is a crucial step in the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Studies show that vitamin C at doses of 1,000 mg per day lowers levels of oxidative-stress markers in blood, even during the hight oxidative-stress period following a meal. {Mazloom Z, et. al., Pak J Biol Sci., 2011 Oct 1;14(19):900-4.}  b) 2,000 mg of vitamin C restored an important cardiovascular repair system in smokers after just 2 weeks of supplementation, giving them the same healing capacity as non-smokers! {Stadler N, et. al., Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., 2007 Jan;27(1):120-6.} c) A meta-analysis of 44 clinical trials showed that vitamin C supplementation improved endothelial function. The effect was stronger in those with higher cardiovascular risk. {Ashor AW, et. al., Atherosclerosis, 2014 July;235(1):9-20.} d) A clinical study of older men showed that a dietary intervention to increase vitamin C levels slowed the progression in thickening of the carotid artery. {Ellingsen I, et. al., Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis., 2009 Jan;19(1):8-14.}

Vitamin C and the Immune System:  Vitamin C can help to prevent viral respiratory infections like the “common cold”. {Ran L, et. al., Biomed Res Int.; 2018:1837634.} Immune cells use vitamin C to create chemical “weapons” which destroy invading bacteria and viruses. {Carr AC, et. al., Nutrients; 2017 Nov 3;9(11): “Vitamin C and Immune Function”.}  Vitamin C promotes the actions of phagocytes. It activates and directs both antibody producing B-cells and killer T-cells to fight invaders. It also helps to reduce unneeded inflammatory responses. Vitamin C slows a shrinking thymus gland which is associated with immunosenescense.

Vitamin C and Bone Health:  Higher vitamin C levels are associated with greater bone mass (bone mineral density). A systematic review and meta-analysis in 2018 found that the greater a greater vitamin C intake was associated with a 33% lower risk of osteoporosis, a lower risk of hip fractures, and greater bone mineral density. {Malmir H, et. al., Br J Nutr.; 2018 Apr; 119(8):847-58.} This isn’t surprising because vitamin C is required to produce bone matrix proteins. It helps to restore bone-forming osteoblasts. {Gabbay KH, et. al., J Biol Chem; 2010 Jun;18;285(25):19510-20.}

Vitamin C helps to boost mood: Vitamin C can help to reduce anxiety! It may activate  the neurotransmitter GABAa and GABAb receptors, which boosts mood. Another study showed that vitamin C modulates the human opioid receptors as it exerts its anti-depressant effects. {Rosa PB, et. al., Pharmacol Rep.; 2016 Oct;68(5):996-1001.}

 NOTE:  A person needs about 1 gm ov Vitamin C for every 10 lbs of weight. Thus, a person weighing 160 pounds needs 15 to 16 gm of Vitamin C daily. Goat physiology is similar to human physiology in its requirements for Vitamin C, however, unlike humans, goats can manufacture Vitamin C. When a goat is stressed, it will increase its production of Vitamin C by ten-fold. Thus, it is not a problem for humans taking large doses of vitamin C. However, oral dosing is limited by the osmotic effects in the colon: resulting in loose stools. Thus, for de-toxification and for the treatment of cancers, vitamin C is typically used by the intravenous route OR by liposomal vitamin C in order to take in doses greater than 10 gm daily.

   ***TAKE VITAMIN C: at least 6 gm/day.*** Here is MY FAVORITE WAY TO GET AN OPTIMAL DOSE OF VITAMIN C: Order a box of “Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, 1000 mg per pack, from One pack is equivalent to 7,000 mg of absorbed Vitamin C!!!***  It is consumed as a “shot” in approximately 1 ounce of juice, once or twice per day. There are NO GI SIDE-EFFECTS.

Most of us are IODINE deficient. We need iodine for thyroid functions. A deficiency creates goiters and hypothyroidism. Also, a deficiency causes the production of fibrocystic breast changes in women. We shower in chlorinated water, brush our teeth with paste containing fluoride, eat bread and pasta, and drink soft drinks, like Mt. Dew and sports drinks, containing bromine— ALL of which displace iodine.  In 1983, the WHO stated we were getting too much iodine in our diet, and eliminated it from table salt supplementation. {It can now, again, be found added to some salts.} And, we typically have a diet low in sea food. In addition to eating sea food, iodine can be obtained by eating green algae, such as Spirulina, Chlorella and Dulse, and in multivitamin/mineral supplements containing iodine. Iodine is most accurately measured by a 24 hour urine challenge test using a loading oral dose of 50 mg iodine. If your iodine is deficient, you can supplement your diet with “Iodoral” (mixed iodine/iodide)– 12.5 mg, 1-2 times/day for 3 months. The major side effect from supplementation is acne.   

          MAGNESIUM: {NOTE: low magnesium levels are commonly associated with low potassium levels.} Magnesium supports muscle and nerve functions. It is a very useful supplement for essential tremors, restless leg syndrome, inducing and maintaining sleep, migraine headaches, “palpitations”– cardiac dysrrhythmias, and, muscle pains and cramps. Magnesium is essential for absorbing and utilizing vitamin D. Magnesium levels are strongly associated with the anabolic hormones: testosterone and human growth hormone. Magnesium is at the center of every chlorophyll molecule, thus, eating green leafy vegetables is a very good dietary source for magnesium. Magnesium is also found in nuts, legumes, whole grains, fruits and fish. However, you cannot reliably expect to obtain consistent and sufficient amounts of magnesium by ingesting these foods. The magnesium content in vegetables has seen a huge decline since pre-1950 levels, because of soil depletion. Additionally, many soils have too much potassium, which competes for absorption of magnesium into the plant. Also, typical grain refining processes– used for making bread and pastas– removes 80%-95% of total magnesium.

Only about 1% of your body’s magnesium is in your blood, the rest is in the cells of your muscles, bones, nerves and organs. If you have a low blood level, then you have a very low intracellular level. If you have a normal level, you may still have a low intracellular level. The WHO found that 75% of Americans take in less magnesium than they need. By age 50 most of us have significant deficiencies. When blood sugars rise, magnesium is excreted in the urine. Thus, people with diabetes frequently are deficient in magnesium. And, supplementing with magnesium can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.  A relatively modest increase in magnesium supplementation/ingestion can also lower the risks for developing pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer. The symptoms of mitral valve prolapse syndrome are identical to magnesium deficiency, and, if treated with magnesium, often resolve.

The mineral form, Magnesium Oxide 400 mg to 800 mg daily, is the least expensive and works just fine if it is absorbed and if it doesn’t cause you diarrhea. {Magnesium citrate is also fine, but it is commonly used to manage constipation.} Start supplementing slowly, and back off if diarrhea ensues. However, some people don’t absorb the mineral form of magnesium well.  A chelated form of magnesium is usually much better absorbed. The best gut tolerated forms of magnesium include magnesium glycinate –400 mg to 500 mg or magnesium asporatate– 400 mg to 500 mg daily. Also, well absorbed and tolerated, Magnesium L-Threonate– 1,000 to 2,000 mg, taken at bedtime, can be very helpful with sleep management and for neurological conditions. This form of magnesium most easily crosses the blood-brain barrier with comprehensive benefits for sleep, anxiety, cognitive function, and migraines. It can be obtained from {Try to AVOID magnesium stearate, which can impede absorption in the gut, and reduce bioavailability of other nutrients.}  As a guideline, a maintenance dosage is: 3 mg per pound of body weight. However, if there is inflammation in your system or if you are stressed, I recommend 5 mg per pound of body weight. Another good proprietary blend of highly absorbable magnesium can be obtained from

Good sources for ANTI-OXIDANTS include: dark chocolate (raw cacoa), resveratrol from red grapes, green leafy vegetables, boiled peanuts, and colored vegetables, such as beets, carrots, squash and eggplant. Additionally, CoQ10 (particularly in its active form– Ubiquinol), vitamin C, vitamin D3, and mixed tochopherol vitamin E are important antioxidants. The body’s primary anti-oxidant is GLUTATHIONE. Glutathione is poorly absorbed orally. However, it becomes very well absorbed using liposomal technology. I recommend: “Lypospheric-Glutathione” from

          OMEGA-3 fish oil capsules containing, for example, EPA 500 mg and DHA 250 mg, are critical for reducing inflammation. It helps with modifying anxiety, depression, PMS, and ADHD. It improves brain functions and keeps blood from clotting too easily. The oil is best when derived from deep sea fish.  Enteric coated capsules are absorbed 2-3 times better. In order to avoid “fish burping”, consider keeping them in the freezer, and taking them just before bedtime. Maintenance dosing is 3 grams per day; cardiac disease requires 4-5 gms/d; and, neurological diseases require 7-8 gms/d. Recent studies demonstrate a gender specific effect on platelet aggregation: For women, DHA rich oil lowers the risk of blood clotting, and for men, EPA rich oil lowers the risk of clotting. Taking at least 2 gm daily can improve muscle synthesis and muscle functional capacity. Omega-3 fatty acids bound to phospholipids found in Krill oil appears to be more rapidly incorporated into red blood cell phospholipids. This is a biomarker for uptake into the brain. Phospholipid bound EPA and DHA increase cognitive function scores better than when the fatty acids are provided in the triglyceride-storage form. When krill oil and fish oil are combined, enhanced benefits for both the nervous system and the cardiovascular system are found, more than using either form by itself.  Additionally, DHA is the main structural component of brain tissue. It is essential for brain growth and development, and, if you have too little, then you will experience cognitive decline. EPA calms inflammation. It has a significant impact on behavior and mood, and helps to ward off depression. A proprietary product called “Vectomega” can be obtained from Taking 2, 600 mg tablets gives you the same amount of omega-3s as 16 standard Fish Oil capsules (7200 mg). Another good product can be obtained from called “Super-Omega-3 Plus” capsules.

          Other good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids include: walnuts, chia seeds and flax seeds and their oils. Taking marine vs. plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids is controversial. Some practitioners believe that the unadulterated parent oils found in plant sources are superior to marine oils. They are concerned by a study in laboratory rats that marine oils will increase the risk of stimulating rapidly growing cancers, and will also increase the vulnerability of cellular mitochondrial membranes to free-radical oxidative damage, and, thus, lower cellular energy production. Although plant-based chia, flaxseed, and walnuts are healthy to eat, don’t expect them to lower triglycerides the same as cold-water fish. That’s because plant derived omega-3s come in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which has to be converted to EPA and DHA. However, the conversion enzyme diminishes with aging.


          BORONBoron supports the functions of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D for promoting dense, healthy bone tissue. Boron supports anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It also supports joint health, and helps maintain normal brain functions. In women, especially using Hormone Replacement Therapy, the higher the boron intake, the lower the lung cancer risk, and decreases cervical cancer related histopathological findings. For men, boron inhibits prostate cancer cell proliferation.  Supplement with 3 mg of boron daily and/or increase ingestion of high boron foods: (in descending concentration)– raisins, almonds, hazel nuts, dried apricots, avocados, peanut butter, Brazil nuts, red kidney beans, cashews, and dates.


                      PROBIOTICS ARE A KEY SUPPLEMENT!!!

Good health begins in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. 100 trillion microbes reside in a human body. This is 10 times the number of human cells. The GI tract contains 90% of these microbes in a symbiotic relationship. Approximately 5000 species of microbes reside in a healthy human body. Our unique bacterial inhabitants aid digestion and absorption of nutrients, convert and produce necessary nutrients, detoxify ingested materials and protect us from invaders. The microbial inhabitants of the GI tract stimulate the immune system for optimal functioning. Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when ingested in adequate amounts, confer a beneficial health effect on the host. Most are bacteria. Probiotics are found in fermented foods such as  yogurt, beet kvass,  kefir, sauerkraut;  and, kombucha. Almost every society has consumed some type of fermented food.

          Using probiotics is SAFE. There is no upper limit and no adverse side effects.  ***I strongly recommend using probiotics to help manage constipation;  diarrhea;  irritable bowel syndrome;  infant colic; and, while taking antibiotics.***  The easiest way to consume adequate amounts are in powder or capsule form.  I recommend for children 5 to 15 billion count capsules (which can be opened  onto food or mixed in a drink) daily, and for adults 15 to 30 billion count capsules daily. As we age, we tend to selectively lose one of the main players in our colon, namely Bifidobacterium species. The best way to restore them is to consume them (look for Bifido-rich yogurt or probiotic capsules) and to provide them with the food they need to live on in our colons: lots of vegetables, a little fruit, and limiting (toxic) doses of sugar that might feed competing species.


          Probiotics may boost your mood. A gut full of beneficial bacteria seems to promote the production of brain neurochemicals {such as serotonin}  that ease feelings of anxiety and depression, while an abundance of harmful bacteria may actually trigger these symptoms. The combination of Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 plus Bifidobacterium longum R0175 helps to restore normal neurochemical and hormonal balances that obviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression. This combination also helps to decrease anger and hostility scores and chronic stress levels, and improved mood scores, and reduced stress induced abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. A proprietary product is available from called “Florassist Mood”.

Different probiotics can be helpful. For example, the probiotic Lactobacillus Reuteri lowers cardiovascular risk:  L. reuteri 30242 produces an enzyme called bile salt hydrolase which makes cholesterol less absorbable so that it becomes trapped in the gut and later excreted in fecal matter. Further cholesterol reduction comes from the organism’s ability to increase cholesterol metabolism, thereby promoting its breakdown and excretion. It additionally reduces inflammatory markers.  A proprietary product called “FlorAssist Heart Health Probiotic” is available from

Also, S. salivarius K12 can reduce the risk of strep throat as well as viral sore throats by producing locally acting lantibiotics. Lozanges are available called “Florassist Throat Health” also from S. salivarius strain BLIS M18 and Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 supplementation results in significant improvement in oral and gum health. S. salavarius produces enzymes that help break down dental plaque and neutralizes acid to maintain a healthy oral pH.  A low pH demineralizes teeth and creates an environment in which bad bacteria thrive. It produces “lantibiotics” that kill competing organisms associated with periodontitis and reduces levels of cytokines associated with gingivitis. Bacillus coagulans competitively inhibits the growth of Streptococcus mutans which contributes to tooth decay and also reduces the production of inflammatory cytokines that promote the inflammatory response. A proprietary product is available from  called “Florassist Oral Hygiene”.

          Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a yeast found in sourdough bread which helps to normalize intestinal microbial flora and specifically relieve symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome. Perilla frutescens is an herb in the mint family that has beneficial flavonoids, especially vicenin-2 and rosmarinic acid which inhibit excitatory nerve and muscle activity in the intestine which relaxes gut motility and reduces pain perception. It reduces inflammatory signaling molecules. And, it also supports the intestinal barrier reducing permeability–leaky gut. A proprietary product containing 150 mg of Perilla leaf extract plus the probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae called “Tranquil Tract” is available from Another product combines a 15 billion colony forming unit blend of 6 different probiotics PLUS 4 types of bacteriophages called “Florassist GI with Phage Technology”.  The addition of bacteriophages is designed to remove unwanted bacteria in the intestines to make room for the beneficial probiotics.

A probiotic that is 100 times more potent than the average probiotic is called “VSL#3” containing 3 species of Bifidobacterium, 4 species of Lactobacillus, and 1 species of Streptococcus. There are 450 billion bacteria in each flavored and unflavored packet that can be mixed into cold or room temperature beverage or soft foods, or a vegetarian capsule that contains 112.5 billion bacteria in each capsule. It can be obtained from Prescription strength “VSL#3-DS” (double strength) contains 900 billion live cultures of bacteria. It is particularly helpful for gastrointestinal problems including IBS and Ulcerative colitis. There are no adverse effects nor risk of overdosing.


          ***Soil-based spore-forming Bacillus bacteria*** are essential for our health. They are “pseudo-commensuls” because they pass through the gut rather than establishing a home there. Our ancestors regularly consumed them when eating wild foods and drinking from ponds and streams. The spores not only survive traversing through the hydrochloric acid and bile salts of the stomach,  they are activated to viably reach the intestines. An excellent product {that is unfortunately only available through a health care provider}  is called “Mega-Sporebiotic” from Microbiome Labs which contains Bacillus indicus, HU36; B. subtilis, HU58; B. coagulans; B. licheniformis; and B. clausii.

I also strongly recommend reading the book by Dr. Josh Axe, MD called “Eat Dirt”.


                      SUPPLEMENTS TO AVOID



{Excerpted from the book “Death By Calcium” by Thomas E. Levy, 2013}

“At the time of Columbus, it was self-evident that the world was flat. Modern Medicine isn’t immune to a similar simplistic and wrong thinking. Regarding osteoporosis (OP), since bones are brittle and largely made up of calcium, it is self-evident that calcium should be supplemented. However, this idea is very wrong!  Osteoporosis involves a lack of calcium in the bones. It does not mean that there is a lack of calcium in the body or in the diet. Osteoporotic individuals have toxic excesses of calcium outside the bounds of bone tissue. The typical American menu is laden with calcium-saturated foods. A legitimate body-wide deficiency of calcium is virtually non-existent, but too much calcium is very common and highly toxic, and it reliably leads to great suffering and premature death. The real problem in osteoporosis is that the body is unable to synthesize a new structural bone matrix and to integrate calcium into it. Simply increasing the quantity of calcium in the body does not even begin to remedy this problem. The calcium simply deposits elsewhere in the body where there are no bone proteins. Excess calcium is a killer.

It is this excess of ingested calcium along with calcium chronically released from osteoporotic bone that poses the most dangerous threat to health and life as it moves in and around all of the cells of the body, promoting disease wherever it accumulates. This notably includes heart disease, hight blood pressure, strokes, and cancer. It fuels and accelerates all chronic degenerative diseases.  When a body-wide state of excess calcium already exists, any added calcium is too much as it promotes abnormal cellular, glandular, and bodily functions. That is why supplemental calcium needs to be stopped, excess dietary calcium needs to be curtailed, and all calcium-rich, vitamin D-fortified foods need to be avoided.

The excess calcium in non-bone tissues has been shown to increase mortality from all causes. You are 30% more likely to have a heart attack and 20% more likely to have a stroke if you take an extra 500 mg of calcium per day. Over one-third of Americans over the age of 45 have evidence of arterial calcification. This percentage rises drastically with greater age, literally skyrocketing in postmenopausal women as well as in testosterone-deficient men. The degree of calcium deficiency in osteoporotic bone is actually an indicator of the amount of excess calcium that has taken up residence in non-bone tissue. Not only does increasing calcium intake fail to improve bone strength, it fuels calcium excess everywhere in the body. Calcium supplementation does not prevent bone fractures. However, adequately dosed vitamin D supplementation decreases fracture risks. Calcium migration from the bone is not the cause of osteoporosis, but rather a symptom of it. Giving large amounts of calcium will eventually result in a small amount of it filling in pores in osteoporotic bones. However, it cannot be emphasized strongly enough that this approach is simply cosmetic. It will make the bones look somewhat better on a bone density x-ray test, but it does no more to improve bone strength than blowing finely ground chalk into the cracks of an earthquake-damaged building will to restore its structural integrity, or putting a fresh coat of paint on rotting wood.”


          Because of MENSTRUATION, women often have iron deficiency anemia. Good food sources for IRON include prunes (6/day), black strap molasses (1-2 tbs/d) and black sesame seeds. Iron can also be supplemented with the bis-glycinate form– 56 mg/d plus Vitamin C (in order to aid absorption), or by taking ferrous sulfate 325 mg three times daily along with vitamin C. The major side effect for iron supplements is constipation. Also, stools will turn a black color.

          HOWEVER:  {From a Lecture by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD at the A4M Spring Congress, Hollywood, Florida,  April 7, 2017.}    

  1. AVOID iron supplementation, either deliberate or in the form of “enriched food”, BECAUSE it is always toxic. Multiple forms of iron are added to “enriched” foods, most commonly “reduced iron,” meaning most typically Metallic Iron Filings (Elemental Iron). Iron filings are typically the waste byproduct of the grinding, filing, or milling of finished iron products. Bearing in mind that any Ingredients list that says Enriched or Fortificada is to be avoided, consider part of the range of common foods that are nearly always enriched:  Bread, cake, cookies, baking and pancake mixes, pasta, rice, coating mixes for frying or baking, gravies, and any prepared food in a container utilizing any enriched flours in their preparation (a very lengthy list).  Limit yourself to fresh meats, fruits, and vegetables, along with gluten-free and organic flour products in order to avoid this hidden assault on your foods.

Remember the babies!!!  Virtually all baby formulas and baby cereal products are markedly contaminated with added iron as well. Buy a blender and organic foods and make your own baby foods.  Ever wonder why it is considered the “norm” for so many babies to cramp and cry so often after eating? It’s not just milk allergies. And the allergies might never occur if metallic iron was not chronically inflaming the gut from the moment of birth on. (Another benefit of breast-feeding, at least early on; these babies get to have their gut mature a bit before beginning the daily ingestion of metallic iron.)

  1. The entire population “normal” laboratory reference of ferritin (iron storage) levels is outside of the range of optimal. The optimal range for ferritin is 15 to 25 ng/ml. The incessant addition of iron into all “enriched” foods has rendered virtually the entire adult population as iron toxic to some degree, with increased oxidative stress in all cells and throughout the body. You cannot have a ferritin level too low if your hemoglobin and hematocrit levels are normal.  Ferritin levels average about 25 ng/ml in children and in women prior to menopause but increase in concert with increasing MI risk in women with the cessation of menstrual blood loss. Rates of MI increase earlier in men, in whom ferritin levels begin to increase from childhood levels going into adulthood. Coronary heart disease is relatively rare in third world populations with severely deficient diets and often with evidence of iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia. (Sullivan, 1981, 6112609) A ferritin level of about 50 ng/ml is considered by most physicians to be clearly normal, and bordering on being too low. This is not true. Consider the following study:  High-frequency blood donors with a mean ferritin level of 17 ng/ml showed significantly improved arterial elasticity compared with lower frequency blood donors with a mean ferritin level of 52 ng/ml!! This means that a level of 50 ng/ml of ferritin, although vastly more desirable than levels of 200, 300, 400, and higher, is still clearly toxic. (Zheng, 2005, 15961703)
  2. Metallic iron ingestion logically causes chronic gut inflammation and predisposes to and/or aggravates literally all gut-related diseases as well as most non-gut-related medical conditions. Standard “wisdom” says the acid in the stomach dissolves the metallic iron and allows it to be absorbed and assimilated. More fiction: metallic iron + HCl = ferric chloride, a substance that is toxic, highly corrosive, and acidic. Ferric chloride ingestion has significant morbidity and even mortality.  However, it is clear that whether ferric chloride or metallic iron reaches the intestines, both are highly toxic, directly promoting gut inflammation. Good health is virtually centered on having and maintaining a healthy gut. But,  chronic metallic and/or supplemental iron in the gut means that:  Leaky (inflamed) gut results. Some food is incompletely digested and premature absorption occurs.  2. The unabsorbed and incompletely digested food results in slowed gut transit time with increased putrefaction and the production of exceptionally potent toxins, usually related to gastrointestinal infections/overgrowths (Clostridium).  3. The incompletely digested (and sometimes largely whole) foods gain access to the lymphatics and the blood, and autoimmune reactions and food allergies, sometimes severe and life-threatening (eg. with peanuts) can result.  {The association with increased peanut sensitivity may be due to genetic crop manipulation of peanut proteins.} 4. Incomplete digestion results in poor assimilation of quality nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.  5. Focal infections in the gut can appear, in addition to the chronic overgrowth of pathogenic flora. Probiotics can only do so much.  6. Gastric and duodenal ulcers, heartburn and reflux, gas, cramping, and diarrhea/constipation syndromes may occur.  7. Crohn’s disease and chronic ulcerative colitis may result.  8. Celiac sprue and GLUTEN SENSITIVITY can occur.  9. Every disease in the body will be worsened, and many diseases will be given the foundation and basis to be initiated.  10. Very possibly, the main benefit of an organic diet is no metallic iron and a much better digestion due to inherently better gut transit times because food combinations are more optimal.
  3. Gluten sensitivity might be a curable condition, in some individuals, if all food iron supplementation, metallic or otherwise, is eliminated, and the existing gut damage is not severe enough to prevent a complete healing of the gut lining– (probably requiring at least six months off of all dietary added iron).
  4. Even supplemental (versus metallic) forms of iron will promote chronic gut inflammation in addition to increasing the iron levels in the body. More iron inside the cells directly increases intracellular oxidative stress and promotes all chronic degenerative diseases.

Reducing iron levels in the body by phlebotomy lessens lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress. (Salonen, 1995, 7852918)  In 100 cancer-free patients with peripheral artery disease, iron reduction by phlebotomy appeared to lessen the incidence of new cancers, and decreased cancer-related deaths over a six-year period. The average ferritin levels in 23 individuals who died was 135.5 ng/ml. In the 77 survivors the average ferritin level was 83.6 ng/ml. (Depalma, 2010, 20304584)  Blood donation appears to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events.  (Tuomainen, 1997, 9080998; Meyers, 1997, 9326996) {Phlebotomy is helpful because it not only reduces an excess iron load, it also reduces “sludging” of the circulation.}  


                    THE IMPORTANCE OF FIBER


Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. Fiber includes all plant polysaccharides and lignins which are resistant to hydrolysis by human digestive enzymes. Fiber is found in the undigestible plant carbohydrate and exists in both soluble and insoluble forms. The recommended dietary allowance of fiber for U.S. men is 30 g/day and for women is 25 g/day. The average American, however, eats only 6 to 12 g/day.

Soluble fiber is eaten in the form of pectins (found in carrots and fruits such as apples, citrus, and strawberries) and gums and mucilage (found in plant seeds and secretions, such as oats, barley, legumes, psyllium, and guar). IT IS A PRE-BIOTIC. It dissolves in water to form a gel in the GI tract and is fermented by intestinal bacteria to form short-chain fatty acids which affect hepatic insulin sensitivity and lipid synthesis. Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of dietary fat (including cholesterol), thus, lowering LDL-cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber also slows digestion and the rate carbohydrates and other nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. This prevents the rapid rise of blood glucose and insulin after a meal. These fermentable fibers don’t add bulk to the stool nor provide a laxative effect.

 Insoluble fiber is found in lignins (vegetables, wheat, fruits, and edible seeds), cellulose (whole-wheat flour, vegetables, and bran), and hemicellulose (bran and whole grains). It passes through the GI tract relatively intact and provides bulk for stool formation and it helps to increase stool water content. Insoluble fiber speeds up movement of food and waste through the GI system which helps to prevent constipation. Additionally, it can help to dilute carcinogens and reduce their contact with mucosal surfaces.

A meta-analysis of 16 studies showed that dietary fier intake has an inverse relationship to breast cancer risk. {Aune D, et. al., Ann Onc 2012;23(6):1394-402}  Another meta-analysis including 25 studies showed reduced risk of colorectal cancers with increased intake of dietary fiber. {Aune D, et. al., BMJ 2011;343:d6617}


               Nutrient Dense “SUPER-FOOD” Examples


          Some of my favorite nutrient dense, embryonic foods which are high in growth factors, so called “super foods”, include: hemp seeds, raw cacao, gogi berries, aloe vera, bee pollen/honey/royal jelly/propolis, spirulina (brackish), blue-green algae (lake), marine phytoplankton, maca, coconut, acai berries, chlorella, camu-camu, Incan berries, dulse, kelp, tumeric, resveratrol, oat grass, barley grass, and wheat grass.


Consider the super-food CHLORELLA, blue-green algae. It contains the highest chlorophyll content (which improves breath and digestion), and gram for gram has twice the total protein of beef, with all the essential amino acids. Chlorella can be taken for example as 15 tablets with water at bedtime or mixed into a green smoothie. In addition to nutrition, chlorella can help to detoxify heavy metals such as mercury, protect animals from nuclear radiation, boost the immune system and help protect against cancers. However, be aware of recent concerns about the Cyanobacteria ToxinBeta-Methylamino-L-Alanine (BMAA)– which may be responsible for the neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s Disease and  Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis, and treatment with the amino acid L-Serine at a dose of 30 gm/day.

Consider eating BLUEBERRIES for boosting longevity by preventing and mitigating cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome (which includes obesity, lipid disturbances, hypertension and glucose intolerance), and cancers. Also, think of them as “brain berries”.  A cup of fresh blueberries eaten daily for 4 months improved memory in patients with cognitive impairment. {American Chemical Society 251st National Meeting, March 2016.}

Plants that live in challenging environments produce a wide array of stress-reducing nutrients to help them cope with extremes of temperature, humidity, nutrient availability, predators, and other threats. When humans consume those molecules, we get the benefit of that genetic stress resistance, which helps our bodies fight off major threats to our own well-being. Blueberries, which grow in harsh, sandy soils, often in dry conditions and at high altitudes, contain the highest known concentrations of many such bioactive molecules. Research shows that, in addition to their ability to protect brain tissue and function from the ravages of aging, blueberries contribute to better health in most body systems.

The health and longevity benefits of eating blueberries are largely due to the presence of pterostilbene. Pterostilbene can extend lifespan by regulating 3 major pathways linked to longevity: a) mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), b) AMPK (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase), and c) sirtuins (silent information regulators). Pterostilbene, (like resveratrol), is a calorie restriction (CR) mimetic which turns on genes related to long-term survival. mTor is a central signaling pathway that serves as a central regulator for cell growth, metabolism, survival and proliferation. It controls processes that use or generate large amounts of energy and nutrients. Pterostilbene inhibits the mTOR pathway. Meanwhile, it activates AMPK, which regulates the way our bodies use and transform energy. It shrinks body-fat store, lowers blood sugar and lipid levels, and suppresses chronic inflammation. Pterostilbene also stimulates the expression of sirtuin-1 which protects heart cells from apoptosis. Sirtuins also play a vital role in maintaining telomere length.

          MAQUI BERRIES are a tiny deep purple fruit with extremely high polyphenol and anthocyanin levels, particularly the delphinidin content.  This “super food”  can help prevent oxidative stress damage to the retinas of the eyes, improve glucose tolerance/insulin resistance, reduce skin aging caused by UV exposure, protect against lipid peroxidation and atherosclerosis, decrease inflammation associated with psoriasis, and protect against side effects of chemotherapy. For example, a concentrated extract can be obtained from called “Maqui Ultimate with Delphinol”.

          WALNUTS are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and the monosaturated oleic acid. It also contains the highest alpha-lipoic acid content of all edible plants. It contains rare and potent phytochemicals including the quinone juglone, the tannin tellimagrandin and the flavonol morin which are all strong cancer inhibitors. They provide a high level of beneficial gamma-tocopherol plus an array of trace metals. Because of their high fat content, don’t add walnuts to your diet, rather, substitute junk food with nutritious walnuts. Walnuts contribute to neuroprotection. They may reduce the risk or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease by maintaining fibrillary amyloid beta-protein in the soluble form. Overweight people with type 2 diabetes who ate ¼ cup of walnuts daily reduced their fasting insulin levels in several months. Consuming walnuts will increase satiety with consequent help with weight management. Men eating ½ cup of walnuts daily improved their sperm quality, morphology and motility.

Consumption of plant polyphenols such as those found in pomegranate, green tea, brassica vegetables and red grapes protect nitric oxide production which helps to restore endothelial arterial lining function. KALE is an outstanding cruciferous vegetable for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Kale is abundant in sulforaphane, the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin which helps prevent atherosclerosis. Its high fiber content has protective effects against high levels of CRP and helps to lower cholesterol. It also has a high content of vitamins K, A and C, and the minerals calcium, manganese, copper and potassium. BOILED PEANUTS contain even more resveratrol than red grapes and more than raw peanuts or sugary peanut butter because they are cooked with the shells where resveratrol is found in highest concentrations. Resveratrol (also found in red grape skin and red wine, not white wine) is a highly active primer of the Nrf2/ARE pathway with protective benefits for the cardiovascular, kidney, endocrine and nervous systems and for cancer prevention and treatment.  Resveratrol activates the production of a protein called SIRT1 responsible for keeping cells working longer and better. It also helps to reduce inflammation which can ward off cardiovascular and kidney damage. It lowers two inflammatory markers, TNF-alpha and TGF-beta and reduces production of dangerous molecules associated with oxidative stress known as reactive oxygen species (ROS). Resveratrol also protects kidney function in cases of acute injury through fibrosis by lowering the effect of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins which can deteriorate kidney tissue. Lessening ROS and ECM proteins also helps to diminish damage from kidney stones, and, it helps to prevent kidney stones from forming. Additionally, resveratrol can counteract the acetylation of tau proteins. Acetylation causes the tau proteins to collect and stick together leading to the development of neurofibrillary tangles commonly found in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Resveratrol can buffer damage by accumulated glutamate and quiet glial cell activation. It can benefit Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

          AVOCADOS are rich in monosaturated fatty acids (including the powerful oleic acid also found in olive oil), fiber, folate, glutathione, phytosterols, flavonoids and carotenoids which promote joint, eye and skin health and help to prevent cancers, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and obesity. Carotenoid absorption is enhanced by its fatty acid profile which also boosts carotenoid absorption from other foods when eaten along with other foods. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two key carotenoids in avocado which are associated with decreased risk of cartilage defects and also inhibit H. pylori in the stomach. Also, lutein and zeaxanthin help to reduce the development of cataracts. Diets rich in monounsaturated fatty acids are protective against age-related eye dysfunction.  Avocado’s phytosterols (stigmasterol, campesterol, and beta-sitosterol) help prevent excess synthesis of pro-inflammatory PGE2 (prostaglandin) by connective tissue. This helps to prevent both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Oleic acid is converted in the small intestine to oleoylethanolamide which activates an area in the brain responsible for a feeling of satiety. Eating half of an avocado modulates hunger, body weight and lipid metabolism. The monosaturated fatty acids reduce total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, and the folate helps to decrease homocysteine levels which helps modify cardiovascular risk factors. The high intake of glutathione found abundantly in avocados reduces the rsik of oral cancers; the boron reduces the risk of prostate cancers; the phytosterols decrease chromosomal breaks and aberrations and induce cell cycle arrest, inhibit growth and trigger apoptosis in both precancerous and cancer cell lines.

          BEETS (Beta vulgaris) are probably the richest dietary source of nitrate. The nitrate in beets (best taken as the raw juice or baked) acts as a reservoir by forming nitrite for the production of the local microvascular vasodilator nitric oxide (NO),  which helps with managing angina and with erectile dysfunction. In 2012, a randomized, controlled, single blind crossover trial investigating the effect of eating beets on blood pressure demonstrated that eating beets substantially lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Also, beets make 2 key detoxifying enzymes: glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase. The first protects against free-radical damage and the second is crucial for detoxifying chemicals. Inducing activity with beets may protect against cancer.  Additionally, beet fiber increases colon immune CD8 cells which detect and eliminate abnormal cells. This is particularly helpful to protect against colon cancer.  Consider drinking 10 oz of beet juice daily.  

          POMEGRANATE protects the endothelium against atherosclerosis. Pomegranate extracts contain polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins which:  1) enhance cholesterol outflow from inflammatory white blood cells, helping to reduce the risk of plaque formation. 2) Protect vulnerable LDL molecules from the oxidation that leads to arterial wall inflammation that promotes plaque generation. And, 3) Boost natural antioxidant systems, particularly superoxide dismutase (SOD), protecting vital nitric oxide and allowing the endothelium to recover from the effects of chronic oxidative and inflammatory stresses. Pomegranate also elevates the enzyme paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) activity. PON-1 blocks destructive lipid peroxidation reactions. It is anchored to the surface of HDL which helps to cleanse arterial walls of plaque, protects LDL against oxidation and inhibits chronic inflammation, vascular adhesion molecules and platelet activation all of which leads to atherosclerosis. Pomegranate extract not only reduces cardiovascular risks, it exerts at least seven distinct beneficial effects that confer protection to cells against malignant changes, while making those that do mutate less likely to progress.

Polyphenols are capable of a multitargeted effect. Ellagitannins (the most abundant polyphenol in pomegranate juice) are well absorbed and delivered to prostate, colon and intestinal tissues. Ellagic acid and punicalagin can prevent DNA damage. Punicic acid and luteolin can inhibit the progression and spread of prostate cancer. Pomegranate extract is capable of interfering with abnormal cell-proliferation cycles, thereby impeding aberrant replication. It shuts down inflammatory signals (such as NFkappaB) and suppress the production of other pro-inflammatory molecules. The extract can restore apoptosis to cancer cells, helping to halt continued expansion and if caught early enough may prevent a tumor from forming. Pomegranate extract inhibits angiogenesis. It suppresses the production of tissue-destroying enzymes and signaling molecules which helps prevent metastasis. It slows the growth of many hormone-dependent cancers including those of the breast and prostate. A proprietary product called “Pomegranate Complete” is available from


          BUCKWHEAT is a nutritious gluten-free grain substitute, which is a rich source of complete protein, fiber and novel phytocompounds. It contains a number of nutrients that deliver cardiovascular benefits, including protection against blood clots, reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and managing diabetes. It contains the richest food source for the flavonoid rutin. Rutin blocks the enzyme protein disulfide isomerase that is excreted by endothelial cells and platelets when a clot forms in an artery or vein. It also helps reduce blood pressure. Buckwheat is a good source of magnesium and has a rich fiber content which helps to reduce inflammation, and lower total and LDL cholesterol. Buckwheat is the greatest natural source of D-chiro-inositol, a compound that increases insulin sensitivity and reduces glucose levels. In studies with women with PCOS, D-chiro-inositol increased insulin sensitivity, reduced testosterone levels and increased ovulation frequency. It also contains quercetin which is known to reduce free radicals and inflammation.  Quercetin is found in onions and apples. It has been shown to preserve mitochondrial function in the heart, brain, liver and skeletal muscles. It triggers reverse cholesterol transport, which results in the removal of cholesterol from the arterial wall by HDL for transport to the liver for safe disposal. It activates the Nrf2/ARE defense system. It boosts cardiovascular function, muscular endurance and performance, protects against loss of brain cells, corrects blood glucose and lipid abnormalities in the metabolic syndrome, and shows evidence of anti-cancer and bone health-promoting properties.

          PISTACHIOS have a beneficial effect on blood sugar. Eating pistachios with a meal high in carbohydrates lowers the blood glucose response. Diets enriched with nuts correlated with better weight control. Pistachios help lower LDL-cholesterol and lower triglyceride levels. They contain a broad spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals as well as protein, fiber and an array of phytochemicals.

          TEFF is a cereal grain grown mostly in Eritrea and Ethiopia because it thrives in harsh climates. It has a mild nutty flavor and is gluten free. It is an excellent source of the amino acid lysine which most grains usually lack. (Lysine is important for building the cross-links of collagen, and helps to limit the process of glycation.) Minerals such as potassium and calcium are abundant and it contains significant vitamin C (which is unusual in a grain). It is rich in fiber and has easily absorbed iron. It can help to control blood sugar levels because it has a low glycemic index because it is made up of  20% to 40% resistant starches.

                              ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS

We all have limited financial resources to purchase supplements and there are a staggering amount of choices available. How do you decide what are the right supplements for you?  There is a free site to help you build your personalized supplement pyramid at It addresses the bottom “foundation level”  that include the 5 building blocks: 1) an ideally dosed multivitamin/mineral complex; 2) Omega-3 fatty acids; 3) Coenzyme Q10; 4) Probiotics; and, 5) Curcumin. The middle “personalization level” addresses the right supplements to help you prevent the diseases most likely to affect you personally. And, the top “optimization level” helps address the supplements to assist you in living a longer and healthier life.  {Ref: Michael A. Smith, MD: “The Supplement Pyramid: How to Build Your Personalized Nutritional Regimen”.}  Remember you need high quality products. Stick with a company that has an established track record of selling high quality products using pure and potent raw materials.

I recommend the book “Eating on the Wild Side” by Jo Robinson. Domesticated farming has produced many advantages in the short term including food surpluses, fewer accidental deaths, and an increased population. In the long term it has caused the foods we eat to become less and less nutritious and more likely to lead to chronic diseases. We replaced our once-wild fruits and vegetables with better-tasting, easy-to-harvest varieties that are full of starch and sugar, but lack vitamins, minerals and polyphenols of the original wild versions. For example, the ancestor of our modern corn is a grass called teosinte. Its kernels are about 30% protein and 2% sugar. Old fashioned sweet corn is 4% protein and 10% sugar and some of the newest varieties are as high as 40% sugar. Food researchers have discovered many ways to retain the bionutrients in our produce that makes them more bioavailable. For example, most berries increase their antioxidant activity when you cook them. Canned blueberries have more phytonutrients than fresh ones, provided you consume the canning liquid. Cooking and canning rearranges the structure of the phytonutrients and makes them more bioavailable. To get the most nutrition from blueberries, if you don’t eat them right away, store them in a crisper drawer and don’t rinse off the natural waxy coating until you eat them. Flash frozen berries are almost as nutritious as fresh. Dried berries are convenient but 50% to 80% of antioxidant value is lost in the process because polyphenol oxidases break down their phytonutrients. Also, choose tomatoes by color: the darkest red have the most lycopene. Small, dark red tomatoes have the most lycopene per ounce and they’re also sweeter and more flavorful and have more vitamin C. Nutrients from tomatoes are greater when tomatoes are cooked rather than eaten raw. Simmering a tomato sauce for hours triples its lycopene content. Heat breaks down the cell walls, making nutrients more bioavailable. Heat also twists the lycopene molecule into a new configuration that’s easier to absorb. Processed tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene. The heat of canning makes tomatoes grown for the food industry more bioavailable. Most of our modern variety of potatoes are high-glycemic and give us a sharp rise in blood glucose. You can tame the sugar rush by cooking potatoes then chilling them for 24-hours which transforms them into low or moderate-glycemic vegetables. The cool temperature converts the potatoes’ rapidly digested starch into a more resistant starch that is broken down more slowly. You can reheat them and they’ll maintain their lower glycemic value.

          OR, CONSIDER A 6-WEEK TRIAL OF A PALEO DIET. Keep a journal about your mental clarity, emotional state, sleep quality, and sense of well-being. Check your waist circumference rather than your weight. Check your blood lipids before and after the 6-weeks. For 6-weeks, do your best to avoid grains, legumes, and dairy (however, eating butter is OK). You are encouraged to eat: 1) meats from animals raised on pasture, with a superior nutritional content and less environmental hazard than conventionally raised animals. 2) A wide variety of vegetables. 3) A wide variety of fruits, but think of fruits as desert rather than a staple like vegetables. 4) Butter, tea, coffee, avocado, even dark chocolate (75% cocoa or higher.) Alcohol is OK.  Clear non-grain alcohols or wines are preferred. Beer is off the list since it comes from grains. The idea is to eliminate foods with which our species didn’t evolve (thus, eating foods prior to the advent of agriculture). Plan ahead for social occasions: warn everyone or eat first. After 6-weeks, review your journal and re-measure yourself to determine if there are any significant changes. Additional considerations include a simple exercise program so that movement is incorporated into your daily life and going to sleep when it is dark and awakening with the morning light. For example, all computer and TV screens off by 7:30 pm and start winding down for bed, turning down the house lights, stretching, reading, hanging out with loved ones and then bed by 9:30 pm. After 6-weeks you can try reintroducing sprouted grains or fermented grains such as sourdough and observe how you feel. Resume eating foods which you tolerate. Paleo is a lifestyle choice.

However, some see a Paleo-diet as yet another fad diet. A 2013 study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry determined that the gluten content in wheat has been relatively stable since wheat processing began in the late 19th century. Field studies at the University of Utah suggest that about 3.4 million years ago, the hominin Australopithecus afarensis and other human relatives ate on average 40% grasses, which included gluten rich barley and wheat. 1.7 to 2 million years ago, early humans ate 35% grasses. In the upper Paleolithic ear around 30,000 years ago archeological evidence of flour made from wild cereal grains has been discovered. In the Neolithic era around 10,000 years ago, with the widespread rise of farming and agriculture, bread and cereals became seasonal dietary staples. So, humans have a lot of genetic experience eating wheat. Also, it has been proposed that alpha-gliadin is considered the indigestible toxic form of wheat that is linked to many gluten sensitivity problems. Yet, when researchers compared the gliadin components from two ancient wheat varieties, Kamut and Graziella Ra, with modern varieties, the ancient wheats had total gliadin and alpha-gliadin levels that were almost twice as high as those of the modern wheat. {Please consider that the PRIMARY PROBLEM MAY BE A CHANGE IN OUR MICROBIOME!!}

          OR, CONSIDER A KETOGENIC DIET (LOW CARBOHYDRATES): Eric Westman, MD (Duke University) has published studies showing that a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet (ketogenic diet) results in less hunger, better compliance and greater weight loss than low-fat diets. Patients with type 2 diabetes showed greater weight loss, greater reduction in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) and greater reduction or elimination of required diabetic medications. When carbohydrates are low, the liver converts fats into ketones which can serve as a fuel source for many tissues, including the brain. {Dietary ketosis should not  be confused with ketoacidosis of diabetes, which involves acidity as well as much higher blood ketone concentrations.} Unlike sugar, which stimulates appetite, ketones reduce appetite. Ketones make brain mitochondria more efficient, reduce free radical production, and protect against a variety of brain disease, including epilepsy, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. A ketogenic diet has increased cognitive performance in aged rats. Cancer cells thrive on the glucose resulting from dietary carbohydrates, but are generally unable to use ketones as an energy source. Ketones have been shown to suppress tumors and prolong survival in mice that have metastatic cancers. Insulin resistance results when excess fat accumulates in muscle, liver, and pancreas rather than in fat cells. But, on a carbohydrate-restricted diet, fats are used for energy rather than stored. On a low-carbohydrate diet, high dietary saturated fats do not increase saturated fats in the bloodstream. Cardiovascular risk factors may be reduced on a high-fat, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet, and a low-carbohydrate diet has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity.

          OR, CONSIDER A MEDITERRANEAN DIET: If you have a problem with cardiovascular disease, epidemiological studies have suggested a Mediterranean diet can lower your risks for cardiovascular disease and death. The European PREDIMED study published in the New England Journal of Medicine {2013;368(14):1279-90} examined 7,447 women (aged 60 to 80) and men (aged 55 to 80) who were at high cardiovascular risk. A Mediterranean diet reduced cardiovascular disease and death by 30% compared with a standard low-fat diet. Related studies have demonstrated that polyphenol consumption is the major factor in reducing the risks. Hydroxytyrosol makes up about 50% of extra-virgin olive oil’s polyphenol content and should be given the most credit. Additionally, oleuropein and tyrosol are beneficial along with the monosaturated fat, oleic acid.

In addition to benefitting cardiovascular disease, extra-virgin olive oil reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s dementia. It also reduces the risk of osteoporosis caused hip fractures. {Bone mineral density markedly increased with the addition of CoQ10 supplementation.} If extra-virgin olive oil is added to a high-fat breakfast, weight loss improved by 80% compared to controls. People who ate the highest amount of the polyphenol hydroxytyrosol lived an average of 9.5 years longer (after age 65). {Am J Clin Nutrition. 2017;105(6):1297-304.}

          Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures were reduced using extra-virgin olive oil. Nitric oxide (a vasodilator) was increased {good!}, and, 5 important markers of inflammation were reduced: vascular cell adhesion molecule-1; intercellular adhesion molecule-1; interleukin-6; tumor necrosis factor alpha, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1. Beneficial HDL-cholesterol was increased. Additionally, in a 3-year study at the University of Edinburgh, patients age 73 to 76 eating a Mediterranean diet reduced their brain shrinkage by 50% with resultant improved cognitive benefits compared to their less diet-faithful counterparts {Neurology. 2017}. For people who wish to increase their concentration of polyphenols, has a proprietary blend called “Mediterranean Whole Food Blend” which combines grape seed extract, olive leaf extract, pomegranate fruit extract, black walnut extract, pecan extract, artichoke fruit extract, and lentil bran extract.

                  RECONSIDERING WHEAT (Ref. John Douillard DC, CAP)


An increasing number of Americans have sensitivities to wheat. The underlying problem with eating wheat may be a broken-down digestive system. Our gut microbiome manufactures hormones, vitamins, and neurotransmitters that help detoxify and assimilate nutrients while playing a role in almost every bodily function—including the way we think and how we feel. If you kill your microbes, you will die. The microbiome of the average American today has only about one-third the diversity of people in most other parts of the world. Our microbiome will fluctuate with our circadian rhythms and with the seasons. Consider the following: 1) Wheat is traditionally a Fall harvest that fed people through the Winter. We did not evolve eating wheat three times a day all year long. Too much wheat may inflame the intestinal mucosa. 2) Traditional cooking techniques like soaking, sprouting and fermenting the grains break down the phytic acids (that allow seeds to lie dormant and make them difficult to digest) and reduce the amount of gluten and the glycemic index of the bread (eg. sourdough bread). 3) Jet lag, shift work, nighttime snacking, heavy meals late in the day, and stress can wreak havoc on gut bacteria. Poor meal timing and disrupted circadian rhythms which affect the microbiome may be the more important factor in wheat sensitivity. 4) In humans, the production of digestive enzymes like amylase increases during the Winter months, making the Fall-harvested wheat much easier to digest. Wheat sensitivity and asthma are more likely when wheat is eaten in Spring or Summer. 5) Traditional breads have a short shelf life because they are eaten by microbes. Our processed breads often last for weeks without spoiling; which means microbes are not eating them. Microbes do the heavy lifting for our digestive processes, including breaking down gluten. So if the microbes outside your body won’t eat your processed wheat bread, don’t expect the microbes in your gut to digest it. 6) Monsanto’s glyphosate (Roundup) has been used for the past 15 years to spray wheat fields a few days before harvest to help dryad n ultimately kill the wheat plant to release more seeds. In a study published in the Journal of Interdisciplinary Toxicology, researchers found a strong correlation between celiac disease and the use of glyphosates. These powerful microbe killers are also killing our internal microbes as well. Interestingly, Americans with wheat sensitivity may have no problem eating wheat in France, which doesn’t allow GMO wheat and uses far less pesticides. The French also have higher wheat yields than America, so we are likely poisoning ourselves for no reason.  Our microbiome really doesn’t like eating pesticides, especially under high stress.


WAYS TO REPAIR OUR GUT MUCOSA include: 1) Engage your parasympathetic nervous system: Relax. Smell, taste and chew your food. Enjoy slow eating. 2) Make lunch the biggest meal of the day. Your brain as well as your gut needs the night time off from food. 3) Go to bed early and get up close to sunrise. 4) Reboot your digestive system. The Ayurvedic super-food to soothe the intestinal mucosa is called “kitchari”, which is made from watered down rice and mung beans. Additional foods include: sweet potatoes; cooked beets; cooked apples; seeds (rather than nuts); well-cooked or steamed vegetables; oatmeal, rice, quinoa, and millet; small, well-cooked beans and legumes (like mung beans); healthy oils like ghee, coconut oil and olive oil; small amounts of well-cooked poultry or fish; small amounts of raw honey (1-2 teaspoons per day); ginger, cinnamon, fennel, and cardamom tea. 5) ADD a small amount of organic fermented food to each meal such as: unsweetened plain yogurt (may add maple syrup); kimchi; miso; tempeh; fermented vegetables such as sour kraut; kombucha; olives; and, pickles. 6) CBD OIL can help to heal a leaky-gut. And, 7)  BOVINE COLOSTRUM can be very helpful for helping to heal a leaky-gut.



Foods cooked at high temperatures create a) mutagens, which damage DNA and increase cancer risk, and b) advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which increase inflammation and oxidative stress by cross-linking with body proteins, which alters the  protein structure and function causing them to lose their functionality and prematurely age. For example, breast and prostate cancers are sharply increased in people who eat heavily cooked meat such as hamburgers. Heat destroys crucial vitamins such as C, B6 and E, destroys fatty acids, denatures proteins, and limits mineral availability. Heat also creates toxic oxidized lipids, which aggravate vascular disease, and dangerous, gene-mutating heterocyclic amines, which can be carcinogenic, inflammatory, and which can adversely activate the immune system.

The higher the number of kilounits (kU) of AGEs the greater the risk for cancer. For example, deep fried breaded chicken breast for 20 minutes has 8,965 kU/serving, vs. roasted chicken has 5,418 kU/serving, vs. stir fried with canola oil for 7 minutes has 3,726 kU/serving,  vs. boiled chicken breast in water has 1,089 kU/serving. Grilling, broiling, roasting, searing and frying propagate and accelerate AGE formation in food. Cooking methods that produce relatively low AGE levels include poaching, steaming, stewing and boiling. The use of acidic marinades, such as lemon juice and vinegar before cooking also limits AGE formation. Most “junk foods” are cooked at extremely high temperatures, so it makes sense to avoid them.

High blood glucose  levels are another cause of protein glycation. Thus, people with diabetes suffer a disproportionately higher number of diseases. Health conscious people can exert a significant amount of control over how quickly their body proteins are destroyed by toxic glycation reactions by reducing the amount of simple sugars and starches they ingest,  AND by minimizing their exposure to foods cooked at high temperatures.

          Consider eating 70-80% of your food as raw fruits and vegetables (whole or  blenderized rather than juiced) or steamed.  Steaming, boiling or cooking with water (or broth) limits the heat to 212 degrees fahrenheit which is below the threshold of most toxic chemical reactions.  A randomized cross-over study evaluated the difference between one group steaming their food and the other group cooking with higher temperatures. After 1 month, the group cooking with higher temperatures had adverse changes including lower insulin sensitivity, lower plasma concentrations of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, and lower vitamin C and vitamin E levels. Also, plasma triglycerides and cholesterol increased. {Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May;91(5):1220.} Another 6-week study showed that people with diabetes eating food cooked at lower temperatures reduced glycated LDL by 33%, whereas consuming the same food at higher temperatures increased glycated LDL by 32%. {Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002 Nov 26;99(24):15596-601.}

Consider supplementing with products that will lower your glycation risk when eating foods prepared at high temperatures. Anti-mutagenic agents have been identified in fruits and vegetables. The most potent are indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and chlorophyllin. I3C is found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. It helps to prevent DNA damage. Chlorophyllin inhibits deadly mutagens by trapping heterocyclic hydrocarbon carcinogens (by reacting with their structure making it impossible for them to form adducts with DNA) which are the precursors to malignant transformation in cells. Additionally, Carnosine, Benfotamine and Pyradoxal-5-phosphate (P5P) are helpful for reducing AGEs and mutagens. Carnosine has been shown particularly in people with diabetes to reduce levels of atherosclerosis. Benfotamine is vitamin B1 in a highly absorbable, fat-soluble form that easily penetrates cell membranes. Pyridoxal-5-phosphate  (P5P) is activated vitamin B6. A proprietary product called “Glycation Protection Formula” containing Carnosine 1,000 mg, Benfotamine 200 mg and Pyridoxal-5-phosphate 100 mg is available from


                                       MEASURE YOUR NUTRITION


          CYREX LABORATORIES can provide you with a detailed analysis of your nutrition and your gut health. It specializes in providing panels of tests to support Functional Medicine analyses.


Spectracell Laboratories can also provide you with measurements which reflect the adequacy of your food and supplements; absorption of nutrients; and, utilization of nutrients matching to your activity level.


Measure your morning urine pH with a digital pH meter. Your goal is a pH >6.7.


                                                 EAT MINDFULLY


EAT SLOWLY: take time to chew and to taste your food.  Savor the flavors, texture, and temperature. Be fully present in the moment of eating. Observe yourself: don’t be distracted by TV or reading or your cell phone. Be gentle with yourself and avoid “shoulds”: be non-judgmental. HAVE FUN AND ENJOY EATING YOUR FOOD.



                                 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES


***“EAT DIRT” by Josh Axe, MD***

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD.

The Simple Mediterranean Diet”  by Ariel Soffer, MD.

“Real Food, Fake Food: why you don’t know what you’re eating & what you can do about it”  by Larry Olmsted.

“In Defense of Food: an eater’s manifesto”  by Michael Pollan.


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