Green coffee extract for weight loss


GCEIn today’s society, a harsh economic climate has led to rigorous employment schedules, and thus an overstressed and less physically active population. An undesirable result spurred by the current climate has been dramatic increases in obesity worldwide, and other negative ancillary effects such as rises in Type 2 diabetes. While a plethora of studies exist on weight-loss supplements, both past and present, evidence is often contradictory and inconclusive in identifying which ones are truly effective in shedding excess pounds. This has presented physicians with an incomplete picture of weight-loss supplementation that is two-fold: a) the ability to effectively prescribe sound weight-loss supplements, backed by strong empirical evidence, which can improve the quality of life for patients; b) missed opportunities to enhance profit margins in the rapidly growing weight-loss industry. Recent scientific investigation has found evidence to suggest that green coffee beans, or those that have not yet matured for harvesting, or more aptly Chlorogenic Acid (CGA), may in-part be the answer to mitigate these two issues. CGA, or a polyphenol derived from the green coffee bean, is the second most abundant component found in coffee, after caffeine, and touted for its antioxidant properties (Ong, Hsu, & Tan, 2012). Current research posits that the CGA found in the green coffee bean works to inhibit the release of glucose into the blood, and appears to aid in weight loss and mitigation of negative health effects resulting from Type 2 diabetes. In a recently published study on the Green Coffee Bean in the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal, Vinson, Burnham, and Nagendran (2012) performed a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled study and observed significant reductions in body weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, and slight decreases in heart rate in those administered CGA over a 22-week period. Knowledge gained from this study seems to suggest that CGA has the potential to serve as an inexpensive supplement to prevent/reduce obesity in adults. In another recent empirical investigation, Ong et al. found that CGA administration in db/db mice (diabetic animal model) had the effect of decreasing fasting blood glucose, while concurrently stimulating glucose transport into soleus muscle; explained possibly by CGA’s activating effects of the AMPK protein. This research presents promising findings of the ability of CGA to manage/regulate blood glucose levels in patients with Type 2 diabetes, thus potentially increasing weight loss, and attenuating possible negative effects of the disease such as heart disease and nerve damage. Attention to weight-loss solutions and the negative effects of obesity deserve physician  attention, in light of findings by Wild, Roglic, Green, Sicree, and King (2004) that the total number of people worldwide with diabetes is expected to increase from 171 million in 2000, to 366 million in 2030. Additionally, those above age 65 are expected to experience steep increases in the metabolic disease. In sum, Green Coffee Beans have the potential to add some green to the bottom-line of your practice, while improving the quality of life of your patients. How you ask? NewTropin’s CGA pure extract, available in veggie caps, is the logical choice and a product worth pursuing to manage obesity, and potentially mitigate some of the negative health effects associated with Type 2 diabetes. (from our supplier, Newtropin:

Note: Green coffee extract should be taken as part of a holistic diet: including restricted caloric intake (800-1200 cal/day, with at least 50 grams of protein) and other products, as well as exercise.

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