Announcing the Healthy Living Lectures Series!

Drs. Wile, Dillard and Cheng, at the Cheng Integrative Health Center/Doctor’s Weight Loss Center will start offering free lectures on various topics on health, disease prevention and treatment.  America is in a healthcare revolution where the conventional medicine which focuses more on the acute care or symptomatic treatment is giving way to anti-aging/functional medicine which offers a holistic approach to health and disease management.  Most, if not all, chronic diseases are related to our lifestyle, to diet, exercise, environmental pollution and to our own hormonal imbalance.  We’ll discuss these various topics and how they relate to your own health and disease management.  There is no charge to these lectures.  However, due to limited seatings available, reservations are required.  Our first lecture will be on Monday, Aug. 7th at 11 am in our offices at 6149 St. Andrews Rd., Columbia, SC 29212.  Please call 803.233.3420 or email ( to reserve your seat.  The first lecture will be an overview of Anti-Aging/Functional Medicine.

Dr. Richard Cheng

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