

尽管冠状动脉粥样硬化的发病机制复杂且多因素,但大多数作者都接受这是一种具有特征性的氧化压力升高的炎症性疾病。现有大量研究和初步临床研究表明,动脉粥样硬化是可预防的,并且可能是可逆的。我们回顾了数十年的现有数据,并提出动脉粥样硬化主要是由于氧化压力升高,引起维生素C的显著消耗,最终导致胶原蛋白合成不足。而胶原蛋白是动脉壁的重要组成部分,其合成不足会导致动脉壁的结构破坏和削弱,引起冠心病。冠心病的预防及治疗,逆转包括:1. 祛除体内各种慢性炎症灶,减少各种促炎促氧化因素,排除体内各种促炎促氧化因素,毒素;2. 增加体内各种抗炎抗氧化因素;3. 具体措施应含:低碳/酮饮食,间隙性断食,运动,大剂量Vit C,排毒/重金属鳌合营养素,全细胞营养(最佳量多种维生素,抗氧化剂,线粒体营养素,镁,Vit k2, 赖 氨酸,脯氨酸。不要补钙,关注铁过多),荷尔蒙平衡。

*成长,Thomas Levy (2019). 冠状动脉粥样硬化病因病理及功能医学 临床干预探讨。肿瘤代谢与营养营养电子杂志. 2019年9月9日第6卷第3期. Electron J Metab Nutr Cancer, Sep. 9, 2019, Vol. 6. No. 3

全文: 冠脉粥样硬化

Although the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis is complicated and multi-factorial, most authors accept that it is an inflammatory disease with characteristically elevated oxidative stress. Abundant research and preliminary clinical studies exist that show atherosclerosis is preventable and potentially reversible. We reviewed decades of existing data and propose that atherosclerosis is a result of elevated oxidative stress with significant focal depletion of Vit C, leading to insufficient collagen synthesis. Collagen is an integral part of the arterial wall and its synthesis deficiency leads to damaged and weakened arterial wall. Low carbohydrate/ketogenic diet promotes is an anti-inflammatory diet and promotes optimal health and nutrition and plays a leading role in the prevention and treatment of coronary atherosclerosis. As collagen is the most ubiquitous and abundant structural protein in our body, this mechanism of elevated oxidative stress causing depletion of Vit C which in turn results in collagen synthesis is also seen in osteoporosis and other disease conditions. The prevention and management of CAD (and other chronic diseases) should take a systemic approach to include: lifestyle changes (low carb/ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting,  exercise), detection and removal of chronic inflammation, detoxification of existing toxins (heavy metal and chemical), large dose of Vit C, K2, magnesium, lysine, proline, and optimal dosing of other vitamins, antioxidants as well as mitochondrial nutrients.