作者:编辑Andrew W. Saul
1936年,Gander和Niederberger发现,维生素C可以降低肺炎患者的发烧并减轻疼痛。 [1]
同样在1936年,霍赫瓦尔德(Hochwald)独立报告了类似的结果。他每九十分钟服用500毫克维生素C。 [2]
麦考密克静脉给予1000毫克维生素C,然后每小时口服500毫克。他至少重复了一次注射。第四天,他的病人感觉很好,他自愿恢复工作,没有任何不良影响。 [3]
1944年,Slotkin和Fletcher报告了维生素C在支气管肺炎,肺脓肿和化脓性支气管炎中的预防和治疗价值。维生素C大大缓解了这种情况,并迅速恢复了正常的肺功能。” [4]
斯洛特金还报告说:“维生素C被布法罗米勒德·菲尔莫尔医院的普通外科医师常规使用,作为预防肺炎的方法,这种并发症完全消失了。” [5]
根据美国疾病控制中心的数据,在美国,每年约有80,000人死于每年的流感,并逐渐升级为肺炎。冠状病毒是一种非常严重的传染性疾病。但是感染病毒很大程度上取决于宿主的易感性。众所周知,低维生素C水平会增加对病毒的敏感性。 [6]
感染病毒是一回事,而完全死于病毒感染的疾病是另一回事。必须强调的是,每天仅200 mg的维生素C可使重症住院呼吸道疾病患者的死亡人数减少80%。 [7]
Frederick R. Klenner和Robert F. Cathcart用非常高剂量的维生素C成功治疗了流感和肺炎。Klenner于1940年代开始发表研究结果; [8] Cathcart始于1970年代。 [9]他们同时使用口服和静脉注射。
“维生素C可有效减少五岁以下儿童严重肺炎的持续时间。氧饱和度在不到一天的时间内得到改善。” [10]
一项最新的安慰剂对照研究得出结论:“在肺炎患儿的治疗方案中应加入维生素C,以降低死亡率和发病率。”在这项研究中,大多数儿童是一岁以下的婴儿。按体重计算,给小婴儿适量的200毫克剂量实际上相当于成人每天2,000-3,000毫克。 [10]
1. Gander and Niederberger. Vitamin C in the handling of pneumonia.” Munch. Med. Wchnschr., 31: 2074, 1956.
2. Hochwald A. Beobachtunger fiber Ascorbinsaure Wirkung bei der Krupposen Pneumonia.” Wien. Arch. f. inn. Med., 353, 1936.
3. McCormick WJ. Have we forgotten the lesson of scurvy? J Applied Nutrition, 1962, 15:1 & 2, 4-12. https://www.seleneriverpress.com/historical/have-we-forgotten-the-lesson-of-scurvy/
4. Slotkin & Fletcher. Ascorbic acid in pulmonary complications following prostatic surgery.” Jour. Urol., 52: Nov. 6, 1944.
5. Slotkin GE. Personal communication with WJ McCormick. December 2, 1946.
6. Saul AW. Nutritional treatment of coronavirus. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 16:6, Jan 30, 2020. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n06.shtml (22 references and 50 recommended papers for further reading)
7. Hunt C et al. The clinical effects of Vitamin C supplementation in elderly hospitalised patients with acute respiratory infections. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 1994;64:212-19. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7814237
8. Klenner FR. Observations on the dose and administration of ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human pathology. J Applied Nutrition 1971, 23:3&4. http://www.doctoryourself.com/klennerpaper.html
Klenner FR. (1948) Virus pneumonia and its treatment with vitamin C. J South Med Surg 110:36-8. https://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/194x/klenner-fr-southern_med_surg-1948-v110-n2-p36.htm .
Klenner, FR. (1951) Massive doses of vitamin C and the virus diseases. J South Med and Surg, 113:101-107.
Klenner, FR. (1971) Observations on the dose and administration of ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human pathology. J. App. Nutr., 23:61-88.
All of Dr. Klenner’s papers are listed and summarized in: Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C (ed. Lendon H. Smith, MD, Life Sciences Press, Tacoma, WA, 1988. This book is posted for free access at http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/198x/smith-lh-clinical_guide_1988.htm
9. Cathcart RF. (1981) Vitamin C, titrating to bowel tolerance, anascorbemia, and acute induced scurvy. Med Hypotheses. 7:1359-76. http://www.doctoryourself.com/titration.html
Cathcart RF. (1993) The third face of vitamin C. J Orthomolecular Med, 7:197-200. Free access at http://www.doctoryourself.com/cathcart_thirdface.html
Additional Dr. Cathcart papers are posted at http://www.doctoryourself.com/biblio_cathcart.html
10. Khan IM et al. (2014) Efficacy of vitamin C in reducing duration of severe pneumonia in children. J Rawalpindi Med Col (JRMC). 18(1):55-57. https://www.journalrmc.com/volumes/1405749894.pdf