


但西安交大二院文中最后写道: “ 最后基于维生素C的各种药理学特性,临床上存在以下情况的患者不宜使用这种治疗方案:1.对维生素C过敏;2.预期寿命不到24h;怀孕和/或哺乳期妇女;气管切开或有家庭氧疗病史;6. 间质性肺病、恶性肿瘤、弥漫性肺泡出血、糖尿病酮症酸中毒或活动性肾结石病史。”

但这七个禁忌症都缺乏文献支持。一个比较普遍认可的禁忌是G6PD缺乏症,但未被西安交大二院文列入。西安交大的公众号报道已流传到国际上,今天国际正分子医学会会长,日本正分子医学会会长Atsuo Yanagisawa(柳泽厚生)博士,国际正分子医学会医学新闻网总编Andrew Saul博士来电质疑, 寻求澄清。

我们国际VC医疗支援团队希望与西安交大二院沟通,以澄清疑惑。请联系我们团队任何一位队员或专家,也可直接联系队长(成长)173.1716.9336; 副队长(张鸿)185.1561.8231。谢谢。


Feb. 24th, 2020.

To: Xi’an Jiaotong University Second Hospital High Dose IVC Clinical Study on NCP Team

Xi’an Jiaotong University Second Hospital started the high-dose VC study, which is the second anti-NCP high-dose VC trial reported in China. We look forward to the final exciting report. The initial report is positive and encouraging. Kudos to Xi‘an Team!

However, the final paragraph in the article of the Second Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University states: “Finally, based on the various pharmacological properties of vitamin C, patients with the following clinical conditions should not use this treatment plan: 1. Allergy to vitamin C; 2. Life expectancy less than 24h; Pregnant and / or lactating women; tracheotomy or history of home oxygen therapy; 6. Interstitial lung disease, malignancy, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, diabetic ketoacidosis, or history of active kidney stones. ”

A more commonly accepted contraindication is G6PD deficiency, but it‘s not mentioned in their paper. This WeChat report of Xi’an Jiaotong University has raised international attention. Today, Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa, President of the International Society of Orthopaedic Medicine (ISOM), President of the Japan Society of Orthopaedic Medicine and Dr. Andrew Saul, Editor-in-Chief, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service (OMNS) of ISOM have contacted me and request clarification.

We, at the International VC Medical Support team, hope to communicate with the team at the Second Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University to clarify the above questions. Please contact any of us at the International Medical Support Team or contact me (Richard Cheng, MD) directly at 173.1716.9336, or Dr. Zhang at 185.1581.8231. Thank you.

Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.

Team Leader
International IVC Medical Support TeaIm