
VC, 赖氨酸,脯氨酸等可以有效治疗冠状动脉阻塞。在我们翻译的书《万应灵丹》书有详细记载。如,一位62岁妇女,右冠脉75%阻塞,其他冠脉有50%阻塞。用此疗法19个月后,右冠脉阻塞从75%降到40%;其他(有50%阻塞)冠脉阻塞彻底消失。我们的广谱营养素含此配方,以及许多其他营养素。

Large dose Vit C, proline andlysine have been shown in lab and in clinical use to be able to reduce coronary artery blockage. For example one 62 year old woman with 75% of rightcoronary artery blockage and 50% blockage of other coronary arteries was treated with this formula.19 months later, the right coronary artery blockage went from 75% down to 50%. And the blockage in other coronary arteries completely disappeared (seePrimal Panacea or our Chinese translation 《万应灵丹》for more details). Our Broad Spectrum Anti Aging Nutrients contain only this formula but also many other nutrients especially nutrients supportive for mitochondrial health.


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